Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Thursday described the floods in Bihar as a “national calamity” and announced an immediate financial assistance of Rs 1,000 crore for rescue and relief operations. Ultimately our Pm has got an approval from the Big Boss to give 1000 crore to the people of Bihar.
The Prime Minister did an aerial survey of the flood-hit areas with UPA Chairperson Sonia Gandhi, some Union Ministers and Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Can't they do land survey, you need to understand the ground reality.
“If there is a need for more, we will give more,” he told media. Thanks singhji, I can see some sort of courage in your voice and hope this will remain “We would like to assure the people of Bihar that all India will support them through this difficulty.”
“I thank him for the help provided by the Centre,” Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said appealing for ‘generous help’ from all quarters. Why the thanks, this is the bound duty of the every govt to look after the affected people of this country.
The district’s tiny rail station was packed on Thursday with thousands of flood victims desperate to get on one of the few passenger trains still operating.
“We just want to get out. We want to leave this curse behind,” wept Girija Prasad, a housewife whose husband, Narayan, is missing. She was rescued by a military motorboat on Wednesday.
“About 90,000 victims have been evacuated by government rescue agencies,” disaster management official told.
And some people helped themselves, such as the inmates of Birpur Jail in Supaul district. Taking advantage of the flood, a number of prisoners escaped. But four of them returned later. Life in jail was better.
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